🐦Twitter bookmarks

I wanted to export all of my Twitter bookmarks out of the platform but the API doesn’t provide an end-point for this, so I had to fish them out adapting this semi-automated method from Divyajyoti Ukirde.

I made a wordcloud of my bookmarks using Voyant Tools. It’s basic but does somewhat reflect my bookmarking activity, e.g. that I only recently started consistently collecting BMs for AI/ML research, hence the prominence of “difussion” and “ai”.

Below is a full archive with my bookmarks in a human-readable format that now lives outside of Twitter for future reference. There is a lot of idiosyncratic stuff in there with very little context, but still an interesting exercise in regaining some agency over this data on the face off Twitter’s imminent decline. In the future I hope to turn at least some of these bookmarks into a nicer format, possibly refactor them as Obsidian notes to make them browsable and part of my website. For now, here they are as a long list:

0 items under this folder.