If you are current or former student and want a reference letter for further study, this page is for you.
Please note that I usually write letters for my best students, to whom I have been their personal tutor during their studies, usually those whose dissertations I supervised and occasionally some who achieved high marks or produced outstanding work in one or more of the modules I teach. This is because there is only so many letters I can write every year, but also because I tailor them carefully to highlight student’s individual strengths to specific programmes or jobs. I never write letter for students whom I never met or just because they were enrolled in one of my modules.
The upside of this approach is that the letters that I do write tend to be more effective in my view. I had students getting admitted to very competitive programmes, including for example a student getting a full scholarship in a university ranked in the top 20 worldwide, and another student who went on to set up their own AI business.
If you want to quest a reference letter, please follow these steps (you’ll need to authenticate with your KCL credentials):
- Read the following: What is a reference and how can I make sure I get the best one?
- Fill in this form
- Email me to confirm you have completed the form and include in the body of your email one paragraph about your career ambitions and how the reference is going to help you achieve them