🛠️ My job title at King’s College London is Lecturer in Digital Culture and Creative Computing. The “and” is a key aspect of my profile. On the digital culture side, I specialise in visual culture, with a focus on screen cultures: film and television, online video, and computer games. This is mostly under the umbrella of aesthetics, technoscience and historical poetics. On the computational side, my work mostly sits between cultural analytics and computational creativity, with a focus on the analysis and production of visual media through methods borrowed and adapted from computer vision and multi-modal machine learning more generally (the type of technologies that underpin what is now commonly called generative AI). My research combines these fields and their methods in various ways, the common thread being the notion of critical technical practice.
In my work I aim to integrate concepts from various theories of cinema, photography, aesthetics, and philosophy more generally, with advanced computational practice, such as computational modelling, time-series analysis, and machine learning. To get a flavour of this kind of work, see for example:
- Intelligent Systems for Screen Archives (ISSA) A project funded by the BFI in partnership with film and TV archives across the UK.
- This parametric supercut generator I made using shot-scale detection
- An experimental AI-TV programme made in collaboration with BBC R&D
- A focal length classifierI built to test the idea of an optical perspective in computer vision
I regularly present these and other Projects at various events. Some of these experiments and ideas have become projects and publications, and a more comprehensive account of recent research can be found in my new book Cinema and Machine Vision (Edinburgh University Press, 2024).
See more about specific research interests, or my contact details if you want to connect. And here is a short bio in the third person helpful for events and the web.